As schools restart, NWEA is ready for remote testing

As schools restart, NWEA is ready for remote-testingAs we look ahead to a safe, smart restart for schools this fall, I want to assure you that we’re ready and prepared to help teachers at your schools close gaps and make gains in the ways that best meet the needs of your community—whether remote or onsite.

As our research highlights, spring COVID-19 closures will likely expand learning gaps in the classroom. More than ever, schools will need to better understand what students know and can do, and they will need to close gaps that may have occurred due to lost instructional time. We have the solutions and resources you need to pinpoint where students are in their learning and to help teachers make data-informed instructional decisions.

NWEA is remote testing ready and has tested more than 400,000 students remotely this year.

The remote test taking experience is nearly identical to its onsite counterpart, with changes mainly in proctor communication and the log-in process. However, the item bank, interface, and test management tools remain the same. From start to finish, the process is straightforward and easy to use.

We know remote testing may be new to many of our partners, so we’ve created an online hub within the NWEA Connection with FAQs, a proctor guide, how-to videos, and resources to share with families. This space will be updated frequently with new tips and tools as they become available.

At NWEA, we are proud to partner with educators like you and committed to helping schools restart safely and smoothly. It’s a privilege to work alongside you, and we are here for you every step of the way.


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