New MAP Reports help teachers more easily interpret assessment data

We recently shared the exciting news of MAP having won Best of Show at ISTE 2016, and one of the new innovations that played a role in that honor is the next-generation MAP reports that are now available for teachers. A research report we conducted with Gallup – Make Assessment Work for All Students: Multiple Measures Matter – showed that 6 in 10 parents say their child’s teacher rarely or never discuss their child’s assessment results with them. Further, only about 4 in 10 teachers feel very prepared to interpret results or use them effectively to inform instruction.

These next-generation MAP reports better visualize, consolidate, and coordinate data to make it easier for educators to interpret and apply the rich information they get from MAP assessments. Based on teacher input about their data needs, we designed them for straightforward interpretation and application to classroom instruction.

The interactive Student Profile report collects a host of valuable data about a student, enabling teachers to easily see how a student is growing academically and what the student needs to support continued growth. A snapshot of key data includes performance compared to national norms and projected proficiency on state summative tests. Instructional area modules provide teachers with insight for focused instruction for each individual student, making differentiated instruction easier.


The MAP Insights Report provides individual schools, districts, and systems with targeted and actionable insights from MAP growth and achievement data. A narrative format with top line results and clear charts and graphs, the MAP Insights Report highlights a school’s or district’s strengths and opportunities and helps educators answer key questions about student academic growth, college and career readiness, and the trajectory of future student growth and performance.

At ITSE, we had the opportunity to demonstrate these new reports – currently available for all MAP users – and the reaction was great. Check out the video below to see what one teacher had to say about the new reports.

#ISTE2016: Teacher Shares Her Thoughts on NWEA’s Next-Generation MAP Reports.


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