MAP Interim Assessments Make a Difference: Five-Part Video Interview Series

New video series: How MAP assessments make a difference #edchat #MAPtestMeasures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) is a K – 12 interim assessment that measures growth, and data from it can help educators project proficiency on state accountability tests, support differentiate instruction, and serve as an input for program evaluation. Computer adaptive MAP assessments help identify a student’s current academic achievement level and what they’re ready to learn. MAP assessments are grade independent and adapt to each student’s instructional level.

We are fortunate to have a passionate group of educators who use MAP! A few months ago we captured their voices in a five-part interview series. You can view these videos below and hear why they think MAP gives them what they need to accelerate every student’s progress and growth throughout the year—and how its personalized assessment experience benefits both students and school communities.

Here’s how the video series breaks down:

  • Chapter One: Why Educators Use and Trust MapHear how educators use MAP assessment data to increase instructional effectiveness and improve outcomes for students on, above, and below grade level, and why teachers find MAP valuable.
  • Chapter Two: MAP is Student-CentricListen as educators describe how the ability of MAP adaptive assessments to accurately assess each student’s learning level helps them personalize instruction, accelerate learning, and get students engaged with their own learning.
  • Chapter Three: MAP Informs InstructionHear how educators use real-time, useful data from MAP assessments to target instruction for students on, above, and below grade level as well as how they connect assessment results to content and curriculum.
  • Chapter Four: MAP Measures GrowthUncover the benefits educators see in using MAP assessment data to monitor student growth over time and hear how they use the results from MAP to help them predict college readiness, close achievement gaps, and support each student’s learning and growth.
  • Chapter Five: Without MAP…Explore the positive changes MAP assessments have helped create in educators’ school communities. Hear how having a quick, effective measurement of student growth that identifies each student’s true achievement level enables educators to use MAP data to inform course placement and admission-based testing, increase student engagement, improve student learning and achievement, and more.

Teachers depend on MAP data to help them differentiate instruction, and create flexible grouping across the classroom. School and district leaders use MAP data to project proficiency on state accountability tests, and monitor school and student performance relative to growth, proficiency, and norms. District decision makers rely on MAP data to aid in resource management, help determine performance trends by grade and school, and compare local student achievement to the national scale. MAP data can help all of these stakeholders make the tough decisions necessary to improve student learning.


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