Teacher Perspectives on Assessment: Join the Upcoming Webinar

Teacher Perspectives on Assessment: Join the Upcoming Webinar As fall testing wraps in schools around the country and winter approaches, the topic of assessment continues to heat up debate in education. We are seeing new challenges emerge as states are considering new comprehensive assessment systems. We are hearing about new information and efforts designed to address pressures that students and teachers face related to testing.

Yet, we rarely have the time to engage in meaningful dialogue about important underlying questions related to assessment:

  • What’s the gap between what teachers already know about assessment and what they need to do their work effectively?
  • How can we expand assessment literacy?
  • What strategies make the most sense for helping teachers effectively integrate assessment and information from assessments into their practice?

And particularly as we think about the role of assessment in learning, consider those closest to the issue:

  • How do students feel about assessments?
  • Are there particular types of assessments that are more useful than others to them in their own learning?
  • How do their perspectives align to the current debates we see over testing in schools and in the media?

As an extension of Connected Educator Month, we are teaming up with  Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) to make time for this dialogue.

We’d like to invite you to join us on November 11th at 4:00 PM PT, 7:00 PM ET for a live webinar. Building from key findings of our Make Assessment Matter: Students and Educators Want Tests That Support Learning study, we will engage with Teacherpreneurs as they unpack when and how assessment matters to their practice, how assessments impact their students’ learning and what students think about assessments.


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